Bible Study Heritage
by David Dunlap
For over 150 years those known as "Plymouth Brethren" were renown for
their command of the Scriptures. This movement exerted great influence
over their generation, and their impact continues to be felt in the
church.� They were held in high esteem by leaders of many
denominations.� A. T. Pierson, a Baptist minister and author, wrote
concerning the spiritual stature of the brethren,
"and in those days
there were giants in the land."
He was referring to men such as John
Nelson Darby, C. H. Macintosh, William Kelly and others.� The spiritual
power of the early brethren was unmistakable.� The movement bore the
marks of a mighty work of God.� Powerful Bible teaching by deeply
spiritual men, earnest prayer, and evangelistic zeal characterized this
movement.� God's hand of blessing was evident.� One writer reported
that by the year 1878, 50 years after the first assembly was
established, there were 1,388 gatherings of believers in 29 different
Many have speculated as to the reasons
behind this remarkable
spiritual growth. On a human level much must be attributed to the
unique manner in which these believers met together.� These meetings
were often called "cottage meetings" or "reading meetings".� The
purpose of these meetings could be for teaching or evangelism.� These
meetings contributed greatly to the growth of the assemblies.� Andrew
Miller, an evangelist and author explains from first-hand knowledge on
the use of these meetings.�
"Reading meetings have been the principle
means employed by the 'brethren' for introducing and spreading truth.
Beyond question, they have been greatly used of the Lord for giving
both an accurate and extensive knowledge of the divine word. No other
kind of meeting so stimulates the Christian to study constantly his
These meetings attracted scores of
people from all walks of
life. J. N. Darby wrote to a friend,
"We have set up weekly Scripture
reading meetings, two of them in the most worldly homes in Limerick.
Our only present difficulty is to keep the people out."
� It wasn't
uncommon for 25-30 people to gather in a home for a Bible reading.� The
atmosphere in the home was warm and friendly. Visitors who came felt at
once welcome and comfortable. Often� British "tea" or a small meal was
served to all before the meeting. A time of conversation followed the
meal, in which the hosts and leaders would talk to the newcomers and
others. This was an opportunity to discern whether guests were
unbelievers, and with others, to discover their spiritual needs and
problems. Andrew Miller writes about his first visit to a home meeting
around the year 1860.�
"Being invited by a friend to meet a few
Christians for a Bible reading, we accordingly went on the evening
named. In observing the friends as they assembled, to the number about
30.� The subjects of conversation before "tea" seemed to concern the
Lord's work in different meetings.� As for general news nothing was
said, and the mention of politics would have seemed sheer profanity."
These meetings were held on any day of the week and could be held at
any hour.� There was full liberty to meet together as the Lord led.�
Meetings might be held at the noon hour in a shipyard or in the early
morning or, as was most common, in the evening.� Napoleon Noel writes
of a meeting that began early Lord's day morning in London.
"A Bible
reading was begun in the year 1845 at Mr. G.V. Wigram's suggestion, on
Lord's day mornings, and they continued successfully for many years�
with great blessing. Someone would go at about 6:30 A.M. and put the
kettle on the stove and cut the bread and butter.� Bread, butter, milk
and other items already being provided on the previous night by the
caretaker.� At 7:30 there was a prayer meeting, then breakfast was
served at 8:15. Then the Bible reading was held at 9:00; attendance
varied from 15 to 25 or more, and occasionally J.N. Darby would come
and teach. At 10:30 everyone went for a walk and came back at 11:00 for
the Lord's supper. After 11:00 it would be difficult to find an empty
seat for the meeting was much valued and greatly enjoyed."
The success of these meetings did not rest
merely on its method.�
There was an overwhelming conviction that spiritual blessing came from
hearing God speak through the Scriptures. It was the
"thus saith the
that they hungered to hear, not the
"what does this verse mean to
style of Bible study as we often hear in our present day. Godly
men spent hours pouring over the Scriptures in preparation for the
reading meeting. It was evident in those who spoke that deep spiritual
learning came not from casual reading, but from long hours of earnest
prayerful study.� A university professor of our day writes of William
"It is the manifest mastery of Greek usage which make his
commentaries, especially those on Paul's epistles so valuable. It was
his wide and accurate acquaintance with Greek usage that made problem
texts plain to him.� It is not knowledge gained by a grammar book or
dictionary but an acquaintance with Greek usage which is the fruit of
long and patient study."
The meetings were also marked by prepared
leadership.� Able and godly
men led the meetings and it was soon apparent that they had spent
considerable time in the
"place of the Most High."
� The meetings were
usually conducted in one of two ways: either the most knowledgeable man
in the Scriptures expounded from the Bible, or discussion and questions
were directed to him, which he then addressed in the course of the
study. A friend writes of a cottage meeting led by Robert Chapman,
the evening we went to a cottage meeting and for the first time I heard
Robert Chapman� the expound the Scriptures. Deep called unto deep as
he warmed to his subject. The impression made on my mind is all I can
remember, as his Bible closed I felt like an infant in the knowledge of
� In that day there was a deep hunger and enjoyment in the
preaching of God's word.� Regarding the details of the
discussion-question study, Andrew Miller explains,
"At about 7:00 P.M.,
a chapter was named and all turned to it. There was a free interchange
of thought as to its meaning, connection and importance and it was
apparent who was the most richly instructed in the Word, as the
questions in time were addressed to him. After a hymn and prayer the
company dispersed; it was about 10:00 P.M."
� The teaching at these
meetings was conducted in a manner that is in striking contrast with
our day. Today when one gathers in a home for a Bible study the leader
asks questions of the learners and the learners teach each other.
Ofttimes these studies digress into sharing experiences and feelings
from the workplace or the home, comments far removed from the Scripture
being studied. The sad result is a scarcity of real understanding of
God's Word.� It is the distinct and unclouded proclamation of the
Scriptures that challenges the hearts and instructs theminds of the
people of God in every age.
Within a short period of time the ministry of
the leading teachers
came to be in great demand. Soon their spoken ministry was reproduced
upon the printed page and distributed abroad.The rich ministry known to
many in the sitting rooms of England was now transported into the
reading rooms of many lands. The world shall never know of all the
lives that have been touched and the rich blessing that these numerous
volumes have had. Evangelist Billy Graham recounts how the writings of
the "brethren" touched his life, stating,
"When I was in my teens my
mother and father were attending a "brethren" Bible class in Charlotte,
N.C. and they fervently studied their Scofield Bibles. My mother began
to order Christian books from a New York mail order house and becoming
an avid reader, there were always good books lying around the house to
� As tracts and books were read, the ministry became a rich
source of blessing to many. Some traveled the seas to be under the
teaching first hand.� Many of the leading teachers ventured out into
larger arenas to accommodate the� growing numbers. Harold St. John
writes of a visit to one of the larger meetings,
"I remember in my
youth how the late William Kelly used to come up to London and deliver
his annual series of lectures. He would take up perhaps seven lectures
on Isaiah, or on the captivity books, and each year he would lecture on
some broad portion of Scripture. He spent months preparing his lectures
and there would be queues outside the largest hall they could get, and
the good man would speak in a very studied English for over an hour,
simply opening the Word of God."
The� "brethren" were fast becoming leaders
among evangelicals
throughout the world. Their books and periodicals had now crossed
denominational lines.� The pulpits of many churches and conferences
were now open to them.� Many evangelical leadersbegan to look to them
for instruction and guidance.� In 1867 an American evangelist traveled
to England for the first time; his name was D.L. Moody.� This visit
would not be to hold a city-wide crusade or to preach in one of the
land's great churches, but to humbly learn. Doubts and heaviness of
spirit burdened his heart.� The power and passion he once knew in
preaching was now gone.� A biographer writes concerning Moody's first
visit to England, "Emma encouraged D.L. to go to England for a visit;
there were such giants of God's Word there; it would be a great
blessing to D.L.; the Plymouth Brethren in Chicago had gotten their
priceless secrets from the spirit-filled English Christians. There were
men in England like C.H. Mackintosh and J.N. Darby whose books had so
blessed him.� The motivation for this trip was to cure his own
spiritual asthma by contact with British men of the book. The sum total
result of this trip was transforming."
For the last 160 years, devout men fitly
armed with the word of God,
prayer, and godly character transformed the landscape of
evangelicalism.� Convincing exegesis challenged accepted theology.
Godly witness inspired worldwide missionary efforts. Faithful ministry
spurred the established church to rethink its very foundations and
purpose. May it be so again among the "brethren" in our day.
(1) Andrew Miller, The Brethren: Their Origin, Progress and Testimony,
(Hong Kong:Christian Book Room, 1878) p. 51� This estimate comprises only the
so called
"exclusive brethren".
(2) Ibid, p. 36
(3)賫apoleon Noel, The History of the Brethren, (Denver:W.F. Knapp,
1936) p. 22
(4) Miller, The Brethren, p. 42
(5) Noel, The History of the Brethren, p. 16
(6) F. F. Bruce, In Retrospect Remembrance of Things Past, (Grand
Rapids:Eerdmans, 1980) p.293
(7) Frank Holmes, Brother Indeed, (Kilmarnock:John Ritchie LTD.,1988)
p. 98
(8) Miller, The Brethren, p.43
(9) Billy Graham, Facing Death and the Life After, (Waco, Texas:Word
Books,1987) p. 179
(10) P.� St. John, Harold St. John: A Portrait by his Daughter,
(London:Pickering & Inglis,1959)p. 141
(11) Richard Day, Bush Aglow:The Life of Dwight Lyman Moody,
(Philadelphia:Judson , 1945) p. 12
"They (brethren leaders) showed us how the blood of Christ satisfies
the righteousness of God; the assurance of salvation, how to believe in
the word of God as the foundation of salvation.� Since church history
began, there never was a period when the gospel was clearer that in
that time.� It was they who also opened up prophecies for the first
time, causing us to see that the return of the Lord is the hope of the
Watchman Nee
"Much of the truth promulgated by fundamental Christians today had its
rebirth in the movement known as the 'Plymouth Brethren'."
John Walvoord
President of Dallas Theological Seminary (1952-1987)
"If they (books of early brethren writers) could not be replaced, I
would rather part with my entire library, excepting my bible than with
these writings.� They have been to me the very key to the Scriptures."
D. L. Moody
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